PRESS RELEASE | Erica Stanford MP | 28 May 2023 -

You can’t trust Labour with your child’s education
Labour leader Chris Hipkins’ dismal record in education is likely to continue today with the announcement of yet another education policy that probably won’t see the light of day, National’s Education spokesperson Erica Stanford says.
“Under Chris Hipkins’ leadership we have barely got 50 percent of children going to school regularly, only half are able to meet minimum standards in reading, writing and maths, and New Zealand has just achieved our lowest ever score in an international reading test.
“Labour cannot deliver on education. Labour’s Budget centrepiece, extending 20 hours free early childhood education to two-year-olds, is in complete disarray with nearly 90 percent of ECE centres saying it is ‘unworkable’.
“This follows on from their disastrous plan to introduce 82 more truancy officers in February which three months later had only delivered one.
“Labour’s NCEA Change Program has been so dismal that many schools are ditching NCEA altogether, including the largest high school in the country – with the Rangitoto College Principal stating it ‘doesn’t make any sense and it is actually harming student outcomes’.
“To top it off, after six years of a Labour government, the Minister of Education was forced to admit that there had been no improvement in the achievement level of our Primary students.
“Parents have a clear choice this election. A Labour government that has spent $5 billion more on education and our children are going backwards or a National government that will ensure every child has the skills they need in reading, writing and maths through our Teaching the Basics Brilliantly policy.
“Unlike Labour, National is aspirational for our children and that starts with ensuring every child can master the basics so they can live the life they want.
“National will set ourselves a target of 80 per cent of Year 8 students being at or above the expected curriculum level for their age in reading, writing, maths and science by 2030.
“Further, we’ll aim to return New Zealand students to the top 10 in the world in maths, reading and science, measured by the OECD’s PISA rankings, by 2033.
“National will fix the economy so we can reduce the cost of living, lift incomes and afford the public services New Zealanders deserve.”